Dear Tribe, 

Many of you have been reaching out over the past few months. We would like to start by thanking you for your messages and outpouring of support.

We are sad to confirm that we are not hosting our Main Event this year, originally scheduled to take place September 21-26, at an undisclosed location. 

The safety and health of our community, partners, and staff remain our highest priority. We hope you all stay safe and join us for our eighth edition, THU 2021, September 20-25. We’ll continue working to find a new home for the Tribe to reunite, and the best location that will allow us to create a unique experience for you. 

In 2021, we are also excited to host the first edition of our much-awaited THU Japan (May 26-29), a three-day storytelling bootcamp in Kaga City for creators from all backgrounds. 

The pandemic has affected the whole world, taking its toll on the creative industry and posing new challenges for creators. But now is not the time to give up. It’s time to reinvent the way we connect and continue lifting each other. 

We are lucky to have an incredible community by our side during these times, including our partners, Lenovo and Sony, that believe in our mission and have been working with us to create meaningful initiatives to support the Tribe over the next months. 

One of the decisions we made was not to create an online version of our main event, because it would simply never come close to what it is all about. It’s impossible to replicate the feeling that we work so hard to create through several moments and activities during six intense days. 

We choose to see this as a new opportunity to let ideas we have had for years finally come to life and do things we always wanted to make but never had the chance before. And we have been relentless in figuring out how to take our mission of empowering the creative community even further.

Without further ado, here’s our new digital plan, and all the initiatives we’re going to have over the next few months:


The Sketchbook Series - Free Release of every episode (May): Lenovo and Nvidia are joining us to release every episode of The Sketchbook Series on Youtube for free!  Most of these episodes could only be accessed through a paid subscription on THU's Vimeo On Demand. But now, with Lenovo and Nvidia's support, we will release one every Friday, on a total of seventeen - every episode we ever recorded, for free. Each episode offers a glimpse into the mind and sketchbooks of top creators from all over the world. 

Kanpai! (June): A live toast in times of lockdown with host Shuzo John Shiota! The live show will include interviews, a cooking segment where artists share their culinary talents (from grilled cheese sandwiches and instant noodle secrets to...who knows!), art battles, a musical guest, Knights, Tribe members..It’s a moment to reconnect and have fun together! Get ready to raise your glass. 

THU Fashion Creators - A New Challenge (June):  Fashion has a massive environmental impact. However, there’s a new area in the fashion industry growing at a fast pace that can reduce it and contribute to a sustainable industry: digital creation.  This area is also a game-changer for digital artists, who will now have the chance to join this challenge, show their talents to major fashion players, and find a fulfilling career.

Sony Talent League by THU (July): A challenge that aims to find young creators with cross-border talent from all areas,  allowing participants to take their projects further. Originally scheduled to take place in June, this schedule has been postponed and will start this summer.

Online Recruitment Sessions & Portfolio Reviews (October): Despite our decision of not creating an online version of the main event, we are hosting Online Recruitment Sessions & Portfolio reviews to help you find new professional opportunities and gather insights on your work. We can’t wait to reveal the companies and studios that are joining us!

Golden Ticket Challenge by Mercedes-Benz (October): For the 8th year running, the Golden Ticket Challenge is back to find talent. In 2020, THU will raise awareness through the power of art. Among many other prizes, the winner will get a golden ticket to THU Japan 2021, including ticket, flights, accommodation, and food during the event.

A new Project to announce in the future: a place where the Tribe will unite all year round. Stay tuned. 

Each one of these projects was created to respond to different needs of our community, and provide new tools, new paths, and new opportunities for you to grow. We are happy to finally announce what we have been preparing and hope you are as excited as we are! 


The THU Team.








 トライブのみなさま、パートナー、スタッフの健康・安全は、私たちが最優先で考えることです。引き続き、みなさまの健康・安全を願いつつ、第8回THU 2021(2021年9月20日~25日)でお会いできることを楽しみにしております。トライブが再会するに最もふさわしいロケーションを準備し、素晴らしい体験となるようスタッフ一同、励んで参ります。

また、2021年には、待望のTHU Japan(2021年5月26~29日)も開催いたします。初開催となるこのイベントは、幅広い分野のクリエイターを対象に、石川県加賀市にて3日間の「物語合宿」を予定しています。


新型コロナウイルス感染症の拡大は、クリエイティブ業界においても甚大な影響を及ぼし、クリエイター にとっても、新たな課題を突きつけられることになりました。しかし、これを機会と捉え、諦めることなく、今こそ、みんなが再びつながる新しい方法を発見し、お互いを高め合う時だとも強く感じています。








スケッチブックシリーズ - 各エピソード無料配信(5月):LenovoとNvidiaと連携し、YouTubeにてスケッチブックシリーズの各エピソードを無料配信いたします。THUのVimeoオンデマンドにて有料定期購読でしか見れなかったエピソードが、この度、LenovoとNvidiaの協力を得て、これまでTHUが記録してきた合計17エピソードを、毎週金曜日に無料で配信いたします。

Kanpai!(6月):THU 2020の「Konbanwa Show」でホストを務めた、塩田周三氏を再び迎え、世界的にSTAY HOMEが続くこの時期に、オンラインで乾杯をしましょう。このライブショーでは、インタビューにはじまり、料理コーナーでは、チーズサンドイッチやインスタントヌードルの作り方のこだわりなどを披露し、おなじみのアートバトルやミュージシャンのゲストを迎えたりと、ナイトやトライブがつながり、楽しむ時間を提供します。さあ、乾杯の準備はいいですか?

THU Fashion Creators - NEW! 新しいコンペティション(6月):ファッションは環境リスクに大きな影響を与えています。しかし、ファッション業界の中でも、急成長している新しい分野が、デジタルクリエイションです。デジタルの力を使って、環境問題に取り組み、サステイナブルな社会を実現しようという試みです。この流れは、デジタルアーティストにとっても大きな変革をもたらすでしょう。このコンペティションで、新しい才能を開花させ、充実したキャリアへの道を発見してください。

Sony Talent League by THU - NEW! 新しいコンペティション(7月):あらゆる分野を横断しながらクリエイティブに考える、次世代の才能を発掘するコンペティションです。クリエイターのドリームプロジェクトを一歩先に進めることを目的とした企画です 。もともと6月に行われる予定でしたが、今夏に延期し開催いたします。


Golden Ticket Challenge(10月):8年連続で開催している、若きアーティストを発掘するコンペティションGolden Ticket Challenge。今年も開催いたします!THUはアートの力を通じて、若き才能の発掘し世の中へ紹介してきました。優勝者には、様々な賞品が授与されますが、特筆すべきは、THU Japan 2021へのゴールデンチケットが贈られること。このチケットには、イベント参加チケット、航空券、イベント期間中の宿泊費と食費が含まれます。




