#35: Dilruba Closing Thoughts
Dilruba shares her candid closing thoughts with us on the mentorship experience.
Dilruba shares her candid closing thoughts with us on the mentorship experience.
Ruben shares his closing thoughts with us on the Sony Talent League experience.
Marie-Claire shares her candid closing thoughts on the Sony Talent League experience.
Bringing it all together, last week of mentorships, finalizing the pitch video, and reveling in how much we've grown.
We're a pretty unlikely team. It's like that sweet ingredient in Pixar films. Nobody could've predicted this combination. It's worked out incredibly so far, each one of us adding a dimension, experience & flavor to the proj...
Dilruba: Enabling connections between people! I like to think that I've got mycelial superpowers ;) I get an absolute kick out of making 2 people who I know, meet and find out that they've been hanging out/staying in contact...
A care package from Kris Pearn, honing our pitch presentation thanks to Kris and Marcus Flack, verbal storyboarding, comics, and more!
Marie-Claire takes us on a mini-tour of team Togather's neighbourhood
Photogrammetry, Togather's starter kit, refining our script, bringing it all together, and inspiring others to see the world around them with fresh eyes.
Ruben: my blender to make breakfast each morning my waterbottle to stay hydrated during kickboxing and long zoomcalls my keys to get in my house and my studio and on my bike Marie-Claire: Vitamin D as...
We are little behind schedule, so here's a little recap first to last week's objectives: - Simplifying our copy & communication on togather.fun - Storyboarding & pre-production for our final pitch Turns out - the...
Neighbourly visits, kebab cravings, honing our "super-vision", and planning for the next 100 weeks!
We're a pretty unlikely team. It's like that sweet ingredient in Pixar films. Nobody could've predicted this combination. It's worked out incredibly so far, each one of us adding a dimension, experience & flavor to the proj...
Hey everybody, Here's a little scattered overview of our work space(s) as a team. My dining table, Ruben's desk/dining table and the desk space rented for Togather HQ! Ruben and I are neighbours on either side of the hunk...
Having successfully shared our learnings and rounded off the initial Togather with the Tribe experiment, where all of us 'tried' to gather and use togather.fun :) we are moving into Week 7 which is all about: - Simplifying o...
The energetic, collaborative week 6! :) And hot off the presses: brushes are now available for download at togather.fun!
Week 5 was a turning point. It is about shifts in mindset, and understanding the change.
What are your hopes for your 70-year-old self? Ruben: That I’ll feel young and playful still. That my curiosity and enjoyment of exploring survives. I want to still be kickboxing, doing yoga eating both tasty salads as we...
Our goals for Week 6 is as follows: A first look at Tribe experience, and our initial learnings from launching togather.fun! Contact with brushmakers in Photoshop (Kyle Brushes) and Procreate (1st pt of contact Nate Cle...
Lots of fun discoveries and progress this week. And you'll want to check out Dilly's Twig Reports on our Togather YouTube channel!
Highlight from our mentor session with Kevin Young
Go-to song/type of music for inspiration? Hello tribe, you are all cordially invited to tune into "we listen togather" it's a growing playlist of some tracks that inspire us! Stay in, but remember to go outside for walks...
We successfully kicked off togather.fun last week for participating Tribe members. In the next 2 weeks we will be reaching out and trying to get as many people to experience and upload their gathers, making marks and brushes, a...
みなさん、こんにちは。 ビデオでご覧の通り大変な瞬間もありましたが、Trelloのような管理ツール、また献身的に支えてくれるTHUチームのアナやメンターのおかげで乗り切ることができました。第4週の目標であった、THUメンバーとの”Togather”プロジェクトのキックオフは、ウェブサイトも開設し無事に開催することができました!THUトライブメンバーと素材を集め共有し、後にはブラシツールに変換していきたいです。 クリス・パーンとのミーティン...
It's remarkable how much you can get to know someone just by asking a few simple questions. Tune in for our weekly "Getting to know you" questions with the teams. You'll no doubt gain insights on these brilliant creatives, but ...
Curious about who's behind project Togather? Dilruba Tayfun sits down to tell us more about herself, her background, and what led here to where she is now. And scroll down to learn more about the team she's working with on this...
Our Goal of the Week: Tribe goes to Gather kick-off! We're aiming to have our website/database for the participants up and running by end of week.
THU x STL|第3週 - 2021年1月19日|リスペクト ルベン:THUを創設して生み出した一番の”価値”とは何だと思う? アンドレ:リスペクト!みんなお互いに敬意を払うこと。”バージン”として参加する初めてのTHUイベントは、あまりメリットを感じないかもしれない。だってここでは、人のために尽くすから。するとそのうちみんな、他の人はもっと経験や知識があることを理解し、敬意を払うようになるんだ。 THU x ...
私たちの第3週の目標は、THUトライブに“TribesGoesToGather”を宣伝して回ることでした。 金曜日のトライブセッションは、熱く刺激的で、”残りの数日で目標を達成するぞ”とやる気を与えてくれました。私たちは、自然の中で見つけた素材で作ったアート作例をシェアしました。ひとつは、THUのメンターによるもので、このセッションにも参加して、私たちと一緒に作品を公開してくれたのです。現在この実験にTHUトライブの人たちが参加できるように、デ...
Simple: Spread the word to the THU tribe!
THU x STL|第1週 - 2021年1月13日|マジックを取り戻せ ヌノ: このプロジェクトのマジックなところって何か立ち戻って考えてみよう。 クリス:これらのブラシを使って...
エキサイティングな冒険の旅が始まります。この門出にあたって、私たちはチームのみんなに次の質問をぶつけ、直感的に答えてもらいました。Dilruba(ディルルバ)のざっくばらんな回答は、このメンターシップに彼女が期待しているものを、じつに明確に照らし出しています。 1. このメンターシップに期待することは? クリエイティブなボールをいくつも育てて、ストーリーの語り手として自信を付けること。スキルを磨き、スタンプで遊びツールを使う喜びを分かち合...
What better way to introduce the finalists to the Tribe than through a special edition of Kanpai! Our very own Shuzo sat down with Dilruba to chat about all things Togather ;) Watch to see highlights, hear more about the vis...
このクリエイティブな旅の始まりは、2020年7月にSonyとTHUが発信した、”コネクト(つながり)‧コラボレーション‧コントリビュート(貢献)”をテーマにしたコンペティションへの招待状がきっかけでした。その結果、わたしたちは驚くべき冒険へと乗り出すことになったのです。彼らは夢をのせたプレゼンでファイナリストとして勝ち残りました。全てはここから始まったのです。 Dilruba Tayfun(ディルルバ·テイファン)がみなさんを、“Togathe...