There are no stupid questions
Talent League
タレントリーグに関する質問は、[email protected] までご連絡いただくか、タレントリーグスペース内のチャットでメッセージをお送りください。応募作成の過程をサポートします。
Who do I contact if I have existential questions?
Got any Talent League questions? We’ve got you covered. Reach out to [email protected]. We’ll be able to assist you during your drafting process.
Main Event
How does paying in installments work?
You can pay for your ticket with small payments made over a fixed period of time. The total price of the ticket is divided by the number of installments, which may vary from 10 to 2 (no extra cost), depending on when you purchase your ticket (the sooner the more installments!). You can read more about it on the Terms and Conditions.
Is there a refund policy on the ticket?
There are no refunds on THU tickets, except if THU Lda is obligated to cancel the event; If traveling to Portugal from your home country is prohibited.
What does the THU ticket include?
The ticket covers all THU intensive program for 6 days, from 9am to 1am: conference talks + Recruitment days + live demos + mentorships + other all-day activities. It usually also covers the shuttles from the Lisbon airport to Tróia and from Tróia to Lisbon airport on your last day. It does not include: travel, lodging and food expenses.
Is there any info about lodging in your website?
We're working on exclusive deals. We hope to disclose more information soon.
Where should I look for accommodation?
We advise you to choose in Troia because it's walking distance from the venues and... well, everything! You can also look at accommodation in Setubal, but you'll need to cross the river in the ferry everyday. Address of the main venue is Alameda da Marina, 7570-789. We will be providing updates regarding accommodation soon on our website.
Career Camp 2023
Is Career Camp for me?
Career Camp is an online event for all those looking for new career opportunities or some sort of guidance, even inspiration. Developed for artists and creators in the digital entertainment industry, it offers a program for all seniority levels. From more technical profiles to straight up artists, this is your playground of network and evolution.
I’ve just applied for a ticket through the website. When will I know if I’m in?
We’re screening profiles every day. Please know we are trying to give a fair review to everybody and that takes time. Keep checking your email for news. Until then, take the time to polish your THU profile!
How does the application process work?
You’ll be using your THU Profile to apply to the Career Camp offers, so make sure you give it some serious love before submitting an application to any offer! You can apply until their closing date. Recruiters and Mentors will review all applications, and selected candidates will then be able to book an available slot!
Can I apply to job and mentorship opportunities, and portfolio reviews during the event days?
No, there's a deadline for applying for job openings, mentorships, and portfolio reviews. But during the event days, you'll be able to attend talks and career & skill development sessions.
Are all Career Camp activities subject to an application?
Career Camp is an intensive 72-hour online event of non-stop networking and inspiration! Besides mentorships, portfolio reviews, and job offers, during the camp, you’ll be able to attend career and skill development sessions, which don’t require any previous application. You just need to show up!
How do I know when new opportunities come up?
Not all offers come in at the same time. Keep an eye out for any updates! We recommend regularly checking your dashboard for new opportunities.
Can companies limit the number of applications they want to receive?
Companies can choose to limit the number of applications they want to review for each offer. After the limit is reached, the offer is closed. But there’s a chance that some of the offers will reopen. Hit follow to get a notification if they do.
Why do I have pending applications?
Applications in a pending status haven’t been reviewed yet. Please wait until the status changes to approved or not selected.
Yey! My application has been approved. What's next?
Happy dance! In that case you'll be able to schedule a slot for each application you’ve been approved for. Don’t miss the deadline to book!
Why can't I book my approved applications?
If you're not able to book, it's either because Recruiters and Mentors are still defining their availability and the slots are not yet visible to you, or because the available slots collide with your own schedule. Please contact the Tribe Care bears for support.
Will Recruiters and Mentors open up slots for everyone?
Recruiters and Mentors should open up a slot for every approved candidate. But they don't open their slots all at once. Keep checking Career Camp Space regularly so you know when slots open. To schedule a slot you must visit your approved applications list.
Creators Circle 2023
Who is Creators’ Circle for?
Creators Circle is for artists and creators who want to add entrepreneurship to their skills set, as well as entrepreneurs who want to pursue projects in the Digital Entertainment Industry. The event is open to all genders, but it will bring special attention to Women’s leadership and how equity and sustainability can lead to better teams and companies. If you want to know more about funding, project managing, the value of the digital creative industry in today’s world, and how to build a business, then you belong in the Circle.
What do I get for an Event + food & drinks ticket?
This ticket grants you admission to the entire event program and covers all expenses at the venue, which include: Mediterranean buffet meals (from the 12th dinner to 16th breakfast) with daily changing menus; Snack stations and drinks available throughout the days of the event, until 3 am, and pre-dinner apéritifs; Free access to the pool, fitness area, sauna and outside activities like mountain biking, football and table tennis; Exclusive access to the traditional 17th-century manor house turned Oasis bar. Extra meals are subject to an additional charge. This ticket does not include accommodation or shuttle service to or from the venue.
What do I get for an all-inclusive ticket?
This ticket grants you admission to the entire event program and covers all expenses during the whole event, which include: Accommodation (Check-In on July 12 / Check-Out on July 16); Shuttle service from Barcelona airport (12th) and to the airport (16th); Mediterranean buffet meals (from the 12th dinner to 16th breakfast) with daily changing menus; Snack stations and drinks available throughout the days of the event, until 3 am, and pre-dinner apéritifs; Free access to the pool, fitness area, sauna and outside activities like mountain biking, football and table tennis; Exclusive access to the traditional 17th-century manor house turned Oasis bar. Extra meals are subject to an additional charge.
What’s the schedule like?
We have a 3-day packed schedule that starts at 9 am and ends late in the evening. Make sure to arrive a bit early to collect your badge. Welcome desk opens at 3 pm on July 12. Check-in is from 3pm on July 12 and check-out is at 10am (after breakfast) on July 16.
What's the meal schedule?
Breakfast - 8h to 10h | Lunch - 13h to 15h | Dinner - 20h to 22h
Can you help with the visa letter?
Spain is part of the EU and the Schengen space. Check if you need a VISA to enter. THU issues visa invitation letters to help with the visa applications. After purchasing your ticket, please reach out to [email protected] to get some help.
THU Japan
THU Storytellingはどんな人向けですか?
THU Storytelling 第2弾も、前回と同様の加賀市で開催されます。THU Storytellingとは、あなたの物語に感情や意味を吹き込み、ストーリーテリングスキルの向上を図る没入型のリトリートです。教育関係、広告業界、起業家、ジャーナリスト、建築家、技術職、クリエイティブ職など、職種を問わずあらゆるジャンルの方々が、聞き手の心に響く物語を生み出すスキルを身につけることができます。物語の力を解き放ち、周りの人たちにインスピレーションを与えるチャンスをお見逃しなく。
"日本には豊かな伝統工芸の歴史があります。石川県南西部に位置する加賀市も例にもれず、職人たちの手によって今も受け継がれている芸術の歴史が息づく街です。ここでは、作り手が作品に命を吹き込み、深い意味と歴史を刻み込みます。まさに、語り部と同じように。 この街では、美しく保存された寺院、人々に愛され続ける温泉、緑豊かな自然を通じて歴史とハーモニーを織りなし、ストーリーテリングのイベントに最適な環境を提供してくれます。当会場からは富士山、立山と並んで神聖視される白山を望むことができます。"
イベント会場のホテルアローレに宿泊されることをおすすめします。宿泊のご予約は、イベントチケットを購入後、THUウェブサイトで可能となります。シングルルームから4人部屋まで、5つの部屋タイプをご用意しています。ホテルアローレは加賀の郊外にありますので、他のホテルに宿泊される場合は、代替の交通手段を手配する必要があります。ご注意ください。期間中、ホテルアローレはイベントチケットをお持ちの方のみのご利用となります。プラス1の同伴を希望される方は、[email protected] またはTHU Storytelling Spaceのチャットにてご相談ください。
"チケットには全てのアクティビティへのフルアクセスが含まれます。(現時点でリストには記載されていないTHU Storytellingに関するすべてのアクティビティを含む) また、チケットには9月17日〜20日のイベント期間中のランチ&夕食が含まれます(17日のランチは除く)。朝食は、ホテルアローレに滞在されている方のみになりますので、予めご了承ください。"
THUチケットの払い戻しは受け付けておりません。当社の利用規約をよくお読みください。ご不明な点がございましたら、[email protected] までご連絡ください。
日本への入国にビザが必要かどうかこちらからご確認ください。THUでは、ビザ申請のお手伝いをするために、ビザ招待状を発行しています。チケット購入後、[email protected]までご連絡ください。
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