#32: Tabi Closing Thoughts
Tabi shares her closing thoughts with us on the Sony Talent League experience.
”Kawia's adventure (カウィアの冒険)”は、時空を超えたアフリカ・サファリにて、サバンナのミステリアスな時代へみなさんを連れていってくれます。プレイヤーはKawia(カウィア)となり、神秘の平原を越え、悪霊を撃退し、古代のダンスを用いその土地を駆け巡ります。Eskista(エスキスタ)は戦闘用に、Baganda(バガンダ)は防御、The Tero Buru (テロブル)は邪魔するもの全てにダメージを与えます。インタラクティブ映画のように、あなたの決断により運命の物語は展開し、キーをビートに合わせて打ちアンデッド(生ける屍)と戦い、真の戦士となり勝利に向かって踊り進むのか、それとも間違いを犯し破滅に直面するか。そしてこの冒険の旅で、親友と巡り会えるかもしません。
Tabi shares her closing thoughts with us on the Sony Talent League experience.
Lydia shares her candid closing thoughts with us on the mentorship experience.
We're already at the end of week 10?! Time to bring it all together.
Lydia: Ooooooh thats a good question, well... Over the course of these ten weeks my system was slowly imbued by the power of Ergokinesis! the power to control all forms of energy with the mind, this ability is however limited ...
Time for the drum rolls! 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 DELIVERY! It's the last week and we've cooked up something pretty good (or at least we think so). Now it's time to 'keep the fire burning' and deliver something awesome that best depicts...
Finalizing the prototype, thinking back on all we've learned, and honing our pitch with the help of Phil Lord and Vani (Saraswathi Balgam), it was an emotional and intense week! We can't believe the mentorship is nearly over, b...
Lydia and Tabi go outside to give us a glimpse of their neighbourhood.
This week's Goal of the Week is aptly named Editing! A more dramatic title would be THE GREAT PURGE, but that's kinda dumb. Okay back on track! now that we're nearing the end of the League I have to say I'm kinda sad (actual...
Musical instruments, storytelling advancements, and 70% done!
Tabi: hmmmmm,, let's see...trying to narrow down by imagining myself going on a year long roadtrip without the chance of human interaction, hmmmm. MUSIC! I don't think I can define enough how vital my music is to my exis...
We made up a song! Which was a lot of fun to do :) You can listen here! Lydia: We had some instruments lying around: a flute, guitar and some old woven containers that can be used as drums and I used them to figure out...
Drumroll for the goal of the week.....aptly named: Nasema? (What am I saying?) Our goal this week is to figure out how to properly express exactly what we are doing. Just getting the right words that best explain who we are,...
Blocking complete and it's off to the render farm! Plus lessons learned in not having to be an expert in all areas, remember to water your plants, and more!
Onward, to the farm! With the static scenes nearly being done and the cleanup well underway we now move on to sending them off to render farms to be rendered! yay!!!!!!! ugh it's been such a trip getting here but with this t...
Kusonga mbele sana! We've "moved forward a lot" this week! Have a listen to hear more :)
If you were to write your 70-year-old self a letter, what would it say? Tabi: Whewww! This week's about you question is something I had never in a milion years even thought of! I just realized I've never on a serious note...
This week's goal is a technical one: making the user experience as intuitive as possible that way they won't be lost with the shifts in perspective. So it's time to experiment with everything from camera angles, shifts, cuts an...
Yikes, putting stuff out there is scary! But we did it and we're feeling good about it!
Curious what our game is going to be like? This is team Eurydice's game test #1! After binge-watching a lot of Netflix interactive films to better see how they would play out in a game, we decided to render out a scene to at le...
Go-to song/type of music for inspiration? And/or: What are the first three songs on your playlist? Tabi: After so much thought because my playlist together with my music app were deleted from my country, hahahaha, I've been...
Our goal this week is to add a learning aspect to the game (credit to Aish and Pedro from the stl discord chats) who helped us format a simple learning mechanic for the game: when you defeat a spirit in the game, you get a snip...
It's remarkable how much you can get to know someone just by asking a few simple questions. Tune in for our weekly "Getting to know you" questions with the teams. You'll no doubt gain insights on these brilliant creatives, but ...
How did you come up with the team name "Eurydice"? Lydia: When we found out about the Challenge, I was reallyyyyyy into Hades, the game and I liked Orpheus' path the most (though Pat and Achilles are still the overall MVP...
Eager to learn more about the creative minds behind Kawia's Adventure? Lydia Mugure and Tabitha Karaba sit down to share with us a little about themselves, their backgrounds, and what led them to where they are now.
Learning how to respect the relationship we have with our art, as pointed out by one of our mentors, Mr David OReilly. Treating it as a real relationship and making sure it grows, so we don't burn out and grow to hate making co...
Music on the mind - team Kawia's goal for this week: Finding suitable music for the animation! That's really important to us as we are really banking on creating a huge connection with our audience through it, especially sin...
エキサイティングな冒険の旅が始まります。この門出にあたって、私たちは”Kawia”チームに次の質問をぶつけ、直感的に答えてもらいました。各自の個性に関して、ものすごい見識が得られました!:) 1. このメンターシップに期待することは? この分野で成功を収めた一流のメンターを通し、自分たちのレベルを業界スタンダードに引き上げたいと思います。 また、これから行われるオンラインでのやりとりを通じて、私たちの自信も高められたらと期待します。...
What better way to introduce the finalists to the Tribe than through a special edition of Kanpai! Our very own Shuzo sat down with Lydia (and Tabi, in wifi-deadzone spirit) to chat about all things Kawia's Adventure ;) Watch...
このクリエイティブな旅の始まりは、2020年7月にSonyとTHUが発信した、”コネクト(つながり)‧コラボレーション‧コントリビュート(貢献)”をテーマにしたコンペティションへの招待状がきっかけでした。その結果、わたしたちは驚くべき冒険へと乗り出すことになったのです。彼らは夢をのせたプレゼンでファイナリストとして勝ち残りました。全てはここから始まったのです。 Lydia Mugure(リディア·マグレ)とTabitha Karaba(タビサ·...