#37: Chris Closing Thoughts
Chris shares his closing thoughts with us on the Sony Talent League mentorship experience.
Chris shares his closing thoughts with us on the Sony Talent League mentorship experience.
Stephan shares his closing thoughts with us on the Sony Talent League experience.
Alex shares her candid closing thoughts on the Sony Talent League experience.
We made it! Wrapped up week 10, got our pitch out there, and excited to hear what you think. Thank you for all your support, we couldn't have done this without you! This is just the end of the beginning.
Alex: My superpower would probably be being able to draw anywhere! I sometimes get shaky hands, but being stubborn about it, I try to sketch in as many unstable locations as possible, from boats to tuk tuks and anything in b...
This week was chock full of mentor meetings and great advice! We started off strong, with Kim Jung Gi, with whom we talked about weapons and the dangers of overthinking designs, especially when they are not the principal fo...
Goals for this week are plentiful: Make the rest of the f***ing game 😅 On a more serious note: Expressions and their implementation Ship and environment 3d models All panels Line drawing on the panels...
Wait? ...We’re still alive? How long have we been out?! Mates and lasses, it has been a wild ride this week. It felt both like a lull as well as a hard-fought emotional week as we’re running out of gas. Having enthusiasm is a g...
Scheduling, tool and visual improvements, grabbing mechanics, music, tribe input and more!
Chris: I have to say I have literally no idea, that's why it took me so long... I mean there's probably nothing I own that I couldn't somehow do without, very much depends on the situation as well what I would take... ...
Goals for the week: ship designs and models finish line tool baking performance optimization full comic blocked out final music for the first sections of the comic
Land ho! We are nearing port (the finish line)! It has been a rowdy week with getting our butts into gear, tasks completed, challenges overcome, and making some tough calls! The Captain’s Logs are a pride and joy of us, so let ...
Character archetypes, lost footage, musical design, tough decisions, and more!
Alex: Pretty chaotic as things go, but I was lucky to have remodelled it right before the pandemic started. Stephan: Here’s my workplace as well! It’s a simple spot. I use most of the living room table as workpl...
test demo lines ingame and decide if we want to commission voiceacting finish first blockout and timing storyboards rest of ship, environment and object designs getting a start on the 3d models for all of these exp...
So we’ve finally passed the halfway point now. No pressure, right? RIGHT?! This week we put our ol’ boneheads together (No, not Togather. That’s the other group and is possibly copyrighted already?) and we looked at our sch...
Another epic week of mentorships, and we're officially past the halfway point already!
What are your hopes for your 70-year-old self? Chris: Dunno, that's a half loaded question for me 😅 I think I see myself as the chill, content with life, village crazy lady kind of type, with my own studio and workshop...
Get first voice lines and test them Rough blockout of the script All 3D characters final Start on props (Most of the) ship designs
Holy smoke mates, we’re running out of gas here! We gotta get a refill! Week 5 has ended and by the time you are reading this we’re already halfway into week 6 almost! The week was an absolute marathon...a marathon of sprint...
Rapid prototyping, re-writing, voice acting decisions and more! Tune in to hear our Week 5 video recap.
Go-to song/type of music for inspiration? Chris: That is a much more easy question to answer for me^^ it's very dependent on mood, but I'm mostly listening to Future Funk/City Pop, Lo Fi or Electronica (in general) for...
Goals for the week: Engine Tests with Music Start of the Render and Baking Engine, some tool polish Design environment sets and Objects (Like the ships and weaponry) More story polishing and Storyboarding Decision...
You know the drill! A boring predictable adventure is no adventure at all! We’re at the end of week 4 already, y’all! Can you believe it? We’ve been working our (pirate) booties off and oh boy, Icebreakers is really starting...
御察しの通り、今週も色々起こってます。さらに詳しくは、ここを見てWeek 4 written recap!
It's remarkable how much you can get to know someone just by asking a few simple questions. Tune in for our weekly "Getting to know you" questions with the teams. You'll no doubt gain insights on these brilliant creatives, but ...
How'd we come up with the team name "Small Fry"? The basic gist is that in the DnD one-shot that we played at THU 2019 (where we first became friends), the macguffin of the story was a chicken named Fry. The goal was to sacr...
Curious about who we are? What are our backgrounds? What we're each doing on this project? Watch to learn more :)
There's a lot on our mind this week! Many small tasks: Finalize the rendering Build scene and character pose tools Design environment sets and objects (like the ships and weaponry) Finalize the revamped story Star...
やあ! 今日もいい顔してるね。乗組員たちの話が聞きたいって? 第3週は、メンターとの初めての1対1のセッション。そこでは我々の結束が試された。 今週は報告すべき大きな成果もあった。Jan(ヤン)とAndreas(アンドレアス)が2人のキャラクターを完成させたんだ。ひとりはハンターのKamalei(カマレイ:親しい人は「レイ」と呼ぶ)と、もうひとりはその継母でスナイパーのInka(インカ)。そして我らがエンジンの魔術師Michael(マイケ...
The team had a lot they want to achieve this week: Get the first two 3D characters modeled, rigged and textured Re-write the underlying render-engine to be better perform Build basic scene building tools and implement...
またのご乗船ありがとうございます。みなさん、よい一日を過ごされましたか? 第2週は、ついにメンターとの対面だ。私たちは、できる限りの準備をして、“Icebreakers”とは何かを、メンターに的確に伝えるため、現時点での全容とタイムライン、完璧なプレゼンを目指した。 ちょうど“Icebreakers”の第1章の下書きが完成したところだった。これを完成させることを、STLのゴールとして想定していたんだ。ところが(予想はしていたけど)...
エキサイティングな冒険の旅が始まります。この門出にあたって、THUは”Icebreakers”チームのみんなに次の質問をぶつけ、直感的に答えてもらいました。彼らの率直な反応には奥深い見識が感じられ、刺激を受けました。:) 1. このメンターシップに何を期待する? Christoph(クリストフ): すごい人たちとのつながりと、自分の経験から得られるであろう有益だけど小さな学びの欠片か、もしくは経験豊富なメンターから聞くことでしか得られない...
よお、Kamalei(カマレイ)、サメを捕ってきてくれないか? ブサイクなヤツをね。……DHULGA(ダルガ) どうして酒のキャビネットの中にケーブルがあるの?……Inka(インカ) やることリスト 食料品店の集計 サーフボードの修理 インカがメカニックを殺さないように見張る 新しい乗組員を歓迎する。パーティー!!!! どこかから出て来てるはず。-H …...
What better way to introduce the finalists to the Tribe than through a special edition of Kanpai! Our very own Shuzo sat down with Stephan, Alexandra and Christoph to chat about all things Icebreakers ;) Watch to see highlig...
このクリエイティブな旅の始まりは、2020年7月にSonyとTHUが発信した、”コネクト(つながり)‧コラボレーション‧コントリビュート(貢献)”をテーマにしたコンペティションへの招待状がきっかけでした。その結果、わたしたちは驚くべき冒険へと乗り出すことになったのです。彼らは夢をのせたプレゼンでファイナリストとして勝ち残りました。全てはここから始まったのです。 Christoph Graf(クリストフ·グラフ)、Alexandra van Ca...