What excites you about THU main event?
Meeting the artists behind my favorites pieces of art, and being able to have meaningful conversations about art and life in a unique setting.

What sets us apart from other events out there? How does THU main event differentiate itself?
THU makes the best artists accessible to all attendees. It's a safe place for artists and creators, it's not about brands, it's not about selling stuff. It creates a real community that cannot be met anywhere else.

Can you tell us a bit about what you're currently working on?
At the moment, I'm doing art direction and concept art on some movies at the art department of DNEG, and I'm also making some cover arts for great books.

Can you tell us a bit about what you're bringing to the table this edition?
I'm bringing my experience and knowledge of the industry and art, my goal is to transmit as much as possible, so that the younger artists may avoid some common mistakes along their journey and find useful feedback to find their way.

If you could invite any three notable figures from the industry, living or dead, to a THU, who would they be and why?
I'd invite HR Giger, Anders Zorn, and Myazaki, because they have/had a massive impact in the world of art, and they all have a very specific world of their own.

THU is notorious for non-conventional requests to our Knights (speakers). Was there any unconventional / out-of-the-ordinary approach made to you?
Absolutely! An attendee friend asked me to lift me in his arms one time.