Avatar for Nosipho Maketo van den Bragt
Nosipho Maketo van den Bragt


Business Development

CEO & Founder of Chocolate Tribe. Founder of AVIJOZI


Nosipho is an attorney, a creative business entrepreneur, and aspiring writer, Nosipho is a multipotentialite who thrives in idea synthesis, rapid learning, and adaptability. With a passion for storytelling and breathing life into concepts in visually realistic ways, but also a passion for advocating strongly for creatives, Nosipho co-founded Chocolate Tribe in 2014.
She trained as a corporate attorney, and with her legal experience she has a strong foundation in the fields of media, labour relations, commercial transactions and business management. Being an attorney has equipped her with the art of managing people from all walks of life as well as fast-changing circumstances. 

Her key functions in the company/studio include Risk Management; Corporate Governance and Compliance; Strategic Planning; Business Development / Sales Management; Human Resources / Creative Talent Management; Legal and Media Research; and Drafting.

As a high-end visual effects studio, that has creative talent with almost 20 years of industry experience, Chocolate Tribe through training/internship aspires to cultivate young, fresh, and quirky talent to harness/ develop their potential to international standards. 

Part of the ethos of Chocolate Tribe is to build platforms for telling incredible stories, relaying fantastical ideas, and breathing life into concepts in visually realistic ways. What once may have been confined to the imagination, like flying pigs and talking babies can be computer-generated in a perfect blend of art and technology. 

Nosipho has helped cultivate Chocolate Tribe into a professional Animation and VFX studio that not only produces work of the highest international standard but with its over 20 years of industry experience, a studio that aspires to harness and develop the potential of young talent in the Animation and VFX industry. As an owner and Chief Executive Officer of Chocolate Tribe, Nosipho continues to be an advocate for growth and development. Breaking local and international boundaries with global clients in feature films, TV-series, and commercials.



15 years of experience

Business Development

10 years of experience


10 years of experience


10 years of experience


10 years of experience

Work Experience

2014 -Present day

Chief Executive Officer

Chocolate Tribe (South Africa)

Business & Strategic Development, Legal and Business Risk Management; Corporate Governance and Compliance; Business Strategic Planning; Business Development / Sales Management; Human Resources


2007 -2008


University of London

Law, Politics & Human Rights

1997 -2002


University of Witswatersrand

Law, English & International Relations

Activities and societies: Law Society of the Northern Provinces, South Africa South African Society for Labour Law (SASLAW) Member of the Webber Wentzel's Business and Human Rights Committee