Hi there! How's it going for everyone? Adrián here with the weekly recap. Not so much to say about this last week, to be honest. We're on track, finishing, polishing, adding colour to some stuff... You know, making everything prettier, haha. So let's go with it!
So this week has been focus on two different things: finishing some artwork and finishing the blocking of the sizzle reel. Let's go with the reel first, so we can finish with some beautiful artwork. Basically, the work for this last wee has been polishing the sizzle reel editing, so we have a blocking and it's a matter of substitute some frames for the more finished ones, but also because we've been talking with a sound designer to put some sound to it and that makes things quite easier for him. We expect to have a version with sound by the end of the weekend, so we have a little time to make adjustments, mix everything and make the final video. We are very excited to be able to show you all the final result!
I also worked on improving the text of the reel a little bit to make it more interesting and catchy, as well as clarifying and enhancing some key moments. Just little changes, but the sizzle has improved a lot, I think. And after that, I've recorded the voiceover. We wanted to hire a voice actor or actress, but due to the lack of time, I finally did it by myself. We want to hire a professional after the program, but, for now it'll do.
And now, here it comes what you were really expecting: the artwork! So this week has been a lot of colour work. First, some of the characters needed some adjustments, so here they are. First, Alicia design and colour scheme.
The second one is the latest, and works pretty better in my oppinion. Now, for the protagonist siblings, we've changed the colour of the sweater of Nico to create more contrast between the two of them and to make the colour fit better with his behaviour.
Also, our two sidekick monsters needed some small changes and arrangements. Pebbles has changed psychologicaly to make it more interesting, because we thought that the big protective guy but very naive was a bit cliché, so we turned it (well, Pablo had the idea) into a more of a little guy who acts like a big guy (this is funny but also more interesting as a comedic reflection of Hugo). About Napia, not so much to say, just coloured and fixed.
And just to finish, there are some images we've been finishing for the pitch and some frames for the sizzle reel.
So that's all for now! We're very close to the deadline, but we´ll keep working hard until the end. We're having tons of fun and seeing everything to come together and begin to be something finished is just an amazing experience. Thank you all again for making this possible, and see you next week!