Sons of streets

Team sons of streets

  • Avatar for Ngagne demba Diaw
    Ngagne demba Diaw
  • Avatar for Aboubacar  Diaw
    Aboubacar Diaw
  • Avatar for Yannick  Engozo'o
    Yannick Engozo'o
  • Computer Science
  • Film

In Senegal, there is the phenomenon of the children’s that lives on the streets. They are basically sent by their parents, who can't afford their expenses, to a free religious school. The school teacher has to cover all their expenses, so they force the kids to get out in the streets of Dakar, begging for some money to eat and give to the school teacher. Sons of Streets is a project created to cut the head off the snake by creating awareness among the population in a fantastic Afro-futuristic webcomic with Afro fantasy elements that showcases kids in street situations in Dakar 3400. The goal is to create a platform where people will be able to pay a very affordable price to read the webcomic and have the opportunity to give a limitless amount of funds to finance the creation of completely free schools for kids in need via local and international digital payment methods.