give give

give give

  • Avatar for Adrien Lebas
    Adrien Lebas
  • Avatar for Ninon MORAW
    Ninon MORAW
  • Avatar for Geovanni Fuentes
    Geovanni Fuentes
  • Games

Our project, give give, is a kids-focused app designed to make kids meet for swapping their toys. Central to this game is GG, a virtual pet that guides kids to scan their toys, create a digital inventory, meet in public spaces and swap them with other families. This transforms boring toys into an fun family game, decluttering around the house while reducing plastic waste. By leveraging design and gamification, we provide a scalable, circular solution to an industry that encourage to consume and not to care. GG makes the experience both fun and educational, keeping kids engaged in a meaningful way. Studies have shown that excessive screen time can reduce empathy growing up. By engaging them in toy swapping, mixing screens and physical interactions, give give helps balance screen time with meaningful family activities. Turning swapping into the ultimate act of rebellion fosters social interaction, negotiation skills, and empathy, ensuring no toys are left behind.