Avatar for Guilherme Martins
Guilherme Martins
Character Animation

Cinematic Animator


I started my career as a 3D Generalist in 2012, and over the years I've shifted my focus to animation, where since then I've had the opportunity to join a wide spread of different size Cinematic Animation and Game Development Studios on which I've created keyframe animations, improved mocap performances and lead animation teams on helping directors achieve their vision. While I'm currently pursuing a career as a Lead, I'm still active as a versatile freelance senior animator.

Worked on projects such as:

  • Secret Level (tvseries)
  • God of War Ragnarok (trailer)
  • Alan Wake 2 (cinematics lead)
  • Concord (trailer)
  • Shogun (tvseries)
  • Helldivers 2 (trailer)
  • Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris
  • League of Legends: Hunt



8 years of experience


8 years of experience

Character Animation

8 years of experience

Work Experience

2021 -2024

Senior Animator/Lead Animator

Goodbye Kansas (Freelance) (Sweden (Remote))

Tasked to create realistic human body animation, ensuring that the subtleties of the performances delivered by actors are translated to characters.

2019 -2021

Principal Animator

Studio Mayday (Wellington, New Zealand)

Studio Mayday is a new game studio from the director of the FRAMED series. Currently working on their first EP and I’m the Principal animator resposible for all Animation and Rigging

2017 -2018

Cinematic Animator

Build a Rocket Boy (Edinburgh, UK)

BRB is a new AAA game developer created by Ex-Rockstar CEO Leslie Benzies. My role was to create realistic gameplay and cinematic animations and work with the Animation Director in mocap sessions

2017 -2017

Cinematic Animator

Axis Animation (Freelance) (Glasgow, UK)

My role was to enhance mocap performances in game cinematics and tv series, using keyframe animation for projects like: Destiny 2, League of Legends and Kiss Me First