Avatar for Alexander Mankowsky
Alexander Mankowsky

Alexander is focused on projecting desirable futures, combining social and technological innovation with avant-garde concepts out of the arts.


Born in Berlin in 1957, Alexander Mankowsky studied Social Sciences, Psychology and Philosophy at the Freie Universität of Berlin. After four years in social services helping troubled children, he decided to follow the Zeitgeist and enrolled at a post-graduate university, focusing on Artificial Intelligence. He loved programming in OOS and Prolog, and earned himself the title of ‘Knowledge Engineer’. Since 1989 Alexander has worked in the research unit at the former Daimler-Benz AG, initially focusing on societal trends in mobility. This led him in 2001 to his current field of work as Futurist. Alexander is focused on projecting desirable futures, combining social and technological innovation with avant-garde concepts out of the arts. He is a long-term member of the Science, Technology, and Arts (STARTS EU) jury at Ars Electronica. Alexander is member of future/io, a Think Tank for exponential innovation and desirable futures.



Work Experience

Present day

