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Ravenna Tran

Ravenna Tran is a Chinese-Vietnamese American director, cinematographer, and filmmaker, based in London. Her work is about finding genuine human connections and the beauty in everyday moments.


Ravenna specializes in imagery that provokes deep, poetic emotional responses to serve any story, with the intention of turning every frame into a painting through careful composition and lighting design. Ravenna also directs and produces her own independent films that are about the lives and stories of people who are often marginalized. There are many themes that surface in her filmwork - love, memories and past lives, human growth and acceptance, and being lost then found. Ravenna is also a former concept artist and illustrator in the video game and publishing industry. Her resume includes both in-house studio and freelance work with employers and clients such as Wizards of the Coast, Valve, Riot Games, Harebrained Schemes, Microsoft, Arenanet, Dark Horse Comics, and more. Ravenna is currently represented by My Management for cinematography and The Soho Agency for directing.

