Hyun Jin Kim is a renowned teacher. He is also the founder of SuperAni and the one who helped project the legendary Kim Jung Gi to center stage. We chatted to learn what's going on with his life and what he's hoping for at THU 2024.


What excites you about THU main event?

There are people who are no longer here, there are people attending THU for the very first time, and there are those who consistently keep coming back and who are pillars at THU, like Andre. 

What excites me is looking into people's eyes and feeling their expectations, desires, and dreams. I promise to bring the same energy. And this THU is going to be extra special -  it's going to be a place to talk about Jung Gi with friends.


What sets us apart from other events out there? How does THU main event differentiate itself?

Water always flows in one direction, from higher places to lower places. Many events are about artists and the fans meeting. However, THU is special. In a lake, the same water gathers, and many staff members, including Andre from THU, create a whirlpool.

As a result, we all mix together, receive each other's energy, and grow. What is definitely different is the sense of "togetherness". Besides that, of all the places I've been, this is the only event where everyone takes a group photo.


Can you tell us a bit about what you're currently working on?

I am still making books, and working on watercolor figure paintings. And whenever I have time, I go the the Kim Jung Gi museum to help out.


Can you tell us a bit about what you're bringing to the table this edition?

My biggest goal this year is to show as many drawings/paintings as possible at THU. Before, my role was supporting Jung Gi. This year, I am going to attend as an artist. I will prepare many paintings, and I will draw a lot during the event.


THU is notorious for non-conventional requests to our Knights (speakers). Was there any unconventional / out-of-the-ordinary approach made to you?

At THU 2019, I had the opportunity to lead the team drawing on the COPIC Wall.

Although I am the Superani's representative, unlike the other artists at the collective, I can't draw without references. I had to work very hard there, and I deeply respect the many creators that helped create such a special moment.


If you could invite any three notable figures from the industry, living or dead, to a THU, who would they be and why?

I would like to introduce some artists that aren't very known to others.

1. Jung Gi: Without any hesitation, he should be included.

2. @MISULBU: This isn't a name, but the name of an account. This artist is one of the best watercolor artists I know (who is still alive). He is Korean.

3. @changspecial (Chang-Hyun Son): He's one of the best artists that Jung Gi and I have met! Jung Gi always said "I really hope he becomes well known and succeeds as an artist. It is only natural when the person is this good".